Network finally complete!

Got 10Gbe downstairs, 10Gbe upstairs.. both switches connected by a fiber cable. Upstairs I have 2 Dell PowerEdge servers running my projects.

Dell PowerEdge R320 running my NAS on TrueNAS which houses my NFS/SMB/Apple Time Machine shares, and a Dell PowerEdge R610 running my VMs on Proxmox.

When things like this come together and just work it’s a great feeling of satisfaction. I have multiple VLAN’s created on my Dream Machine Pro, and they are all promulgated to my switches. I’ve got an IOT VLAN, a server VLAN and my PC VLAN. Each VLAN has its own DNS environment where I can block/filter out unwanted communication. IOT VLAN is using NXFilter. Server VLAN is using a local Pi-Hole install, and my PC VLAN is using 2 Pi-Hole’s being hosted by Linode where I have firewall rules to only answer requests on port 53 from my IP.

And it all works perfectly. I built it all myself and am pretty proud of this accomplishment!

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