Late day post

Been so busy lately in the morning that, at least for today, I couldn’t post in the AM. I’ve challenged myself to post at least 1 post every single day regardless of topic, so here we are.

I just got back from a vacation but I almost need another one. Coming off vacation only to have all day long, head down tasks & projects, along with meetings mixed in gets a little tiresome, but it pays the bills.

Especially when it comes to PowerShell. I’m not a guru when it comes to writing code, but I’ve written my fair share of scripts/code that I know what I’m doing, and when I don’t, that’s what coffee is for. 1-2 cups and I’m in full-on PowerShell mode and any interruptions are disruptive. It’s like you have a problem to solve, and any interruption moves you away from a solution.

I just hope things go smoothly on Friday. The last thing we need are hiccups for some of the largest corporations on the planet and that would look bad for our team.

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